I really enjoy Vampire Survivor style games and this one is no different. I tried many times to do a no upgrade run, but just couldn't beat the final stage with so little damage. Eventually, I caved and bought up as many damage and movement speed upgrades as I could. Loved the theme of going through the storybooks and all of the puns were great. The art was vibrant and cute, though a few of the enemies blended in with the backround. All around a good time!
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Yeah, I've played through the game a few times now and the enemies having different levels of damage without any kind of indicator that they're more dangerous is an issue.
Despite recolor being an easy thing to do, with as much art as we were pumping out for this project, it was one of those things that just slipped through the cracks. Thanks for playing, and sorry you had a difficult time with it.
Would have loved to have had the time to fix up the UI elements, but I was the only artist and really had my work cut out for me as it was. There were a few things that never made it in and, had I known at the time I was making them, I would have saved that time to spiff up the menus. Thanks for playing!
I'm a big fan of puzzle platformers! I was hoping for a few more rooms with even more intricate puzzles, but I understand the time constraints make that difficult. I enjoyed trying to control both characters simultaneously, and can imagine things getting really intense if you were to develop more rooms. Nice work!
This was fun! The art fits the theme perfectly. I liked opening the gateways to progress and I can easily imagine more complicate scenarios and mechanics being added to this. The enemies were frustrating to deal with. I died more times than it feels like I should have. I think my main problem was that I couldn't see which direction they were headed, so could never get out of their way in time. Having them travel along the line instead of teleporting to each node would probably solve the problem. Nice work!
This was so entertaining, I'll likely go back and take another crack at it when I have some time! Art's great, music is bumpin' and the gameplay is fast and fun. Took me a little while to really understand what was happening with all the blue fire everywhere—and it would have been nice to have some small explanation of it—but once it clicked, I was parrying my way to high score after high score. Awesome job!
Simple and sweet; I like it! I agree with queijoquente's comment about a checkpoint. I think it would benefit from a checkpoint on or right before a couple of the harder rooms would be perfect.
The challenge was real, but rewarding once finally getting past it. Loved the little wobble animation when the characters landed. Would have liked a better visual for when I'm getting too far apart, like making the tether flash red or something; it was difficult to keep track of the numbers in the corner. Great job!